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Babies’ Movement Shapes Spinal Curve 2

In our last Blog, we learned how the babies’ movement explorations in Tummy Time Play develop the first reverse curve of their spine. You will notice that this is visible in your 4-month old baby’s shapely neck curve.

In the Locomotion Stage, the babies’ movement explorations shape the second reverse curve of their spine. From 6-12 months, babies are mastering the ever-present force of gravity when lifting their bellies up, creeping on hands and knees, progressing to verticality in independent sitting, standing and walking. All these actions that lead to these developmental milestones, shape the second reverse curve in the low back (the lumbar curve). The developmental process helps us to understand how function (body movement) influences form (spinal curves) in the healthy development of the natural S-curve shape of the spine.

How will you use this information with your baby?

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